Tuesday, 24 March 2015

You don't really want cheap travel do you?

Astonishingly this is the Danish unions' proposition to passengers departing Copenhagen airport. Posters have been put up urging passengers to protest against the arrival of Ryanair and their cheap flights, presumably by not flying with them. It's enough to send the customers straight to Ryanair's ticket desk and then walking through the terminal waving their tickets in the air. Mr. O'Leary, no shrinking violet, is no doubt enjoying the free publicity.It's expensive to advertise at airports.

Last week the self same unions blocked  Ryanair's first Copenhagen flight arguing that the airline's terms and conditions do not meet Danish standards. This is despite there surprisingly being no legal minimum wage in Denmark. O'Leary argues that the airline could not operate if they couldn't get people to fly for them. They aren't forced labour, so what's the problem?  From the second day his aircraft have been coming and going successfully. Clearly the union bretheren are not happy but we can safely assume the passengers are.

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